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Next Generation Sequencing & Bioinformatic analysis

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OmicsGen LifeSciences offers complete service packages based on innovative Next Generation Sequencing based projects.  We support you from the project design through experiment design to final analysis report and interpretation of your findings. These technologies enable the sequencing of complete genomes, metagenomes or transcriptomes within less than a month time, at a fraction of the costs of conventional sequencing technologies.


Our services are based on the platforms of Illumina/MGI. With this technology we can offer an unmatched combination of read lengths and number of reads, and offer these with the shortest possible delivery times and least affordable cost. Our applied technologies have the power and flexibility to enable a wide range of genome-scale applications at the highest quality. We can provide you a broad range of standardized and optimized NGS applications available and expert advice on optimal experimental design for your  custom projects.

Our Services


Whole genome seq (denovo) Nanopore long read chemistry

Genomes that are not sequenced yet need to be sequenced for the first time; we do our denovo genome sequencing and analysis service. We use state-of-the-art sequencing technologies and assist you with even the most challenging denovo sequencing analysis. We can provide complete start-to-finish project management with customized analysis and data reporting.


denovo Transcriptome Seq

In denovo’ assembly strategy reads are compared to each other to reconstruct expressed isoforms without the need of using a reference genome. This we can go for  Ribo zero prep, strand specific or non strand specific as per requirement of project. With our transcriptome sequencing (RNA-Seq) service you can discover and profile the entire transcriptome of your species of interest. Our RNA-Seq method can deliver unbiased and unparalleled information about gene expression levels.


Whole metagenome Seq

Whole metagenome sequencing  and analysis allows researchers to comprehensively sample all genes in all organisms present in a given complex sample. The method enables microbiologists to evaluate bacterial diversity and detect the abundance of microbes in various environments and explore the potential of genes present in all the organisms.


Amplicon based metagenome Seq (V3-V4 & ITS)

16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequencing is a common amplicon sequencing method used to identify and compare bacteria present within a given sample. 16S rRNA gene sequencing is a well-established method for studying phylogeny and taxonomy of samples from complex microbiomes or environments that are difficult or impossible to study.



RIP-Seq maps the sites at which proteins are bound to the RNA within RNA-protein complexes. In this method, RNA-protein complexes are immunoprecipitated with antibodies targeted to the protein of interest. After RNase digestion, RNA protected by protein binding is extracted and reverse-transcribed to cDNA. The locations can then be mapped back to the genome. Deep sequencing of cDNA provides single-base resolution of protein-bound RNA.


Custom assay development—amplicon

Amplicon based custom assay development is a fully customizable, amplicon-based assay for targeted resequencing. The assay enables you to focus interrogation on key regions of genomic interest. Enormous number of amplicons can be sequenced in a single reaction using a simple workflow. This highly targeted approach offers unparalleled efficiency for discovering, validating, and screening genetic variants in areas of research focus.


Mitochondrial genome seq

Long Range PCR-Based Approach and NGS for Mitochondrial Genome Sequencing of any species and complete phylogenetic analysis.


HYBRID STRATEGY for denovo Whole Genome Seq

In order to reach the highest sequence quality, we recommend a hybrid strategy combining long (PacBio/Nanopore) and short (Illumina) sequencing technologies with the latest computation algorithms. The long sequence reads provide a genome assembly with the best structural quality and the lowest number of contigs.  For this we can help you with a third part arrangement of long read sequencing you wish to do. We use the high-quality Illumina short reads for assembly in order to generate a final assembly of highest quality at sequence level.


Whole Genome seq - Reference based

Reference based   sequencing and analysis service is provided for samples  whose  genomes that are already been sequenced or very close ancestor in hierarchy has been sequenced.  It is helpful to discover and confirm SNPs, to identify chromosomal rearrangements, to map break points and to detect rare variants.   We promise fast delivery time, the highest quality at competitive price.


Reference based Transcriptome Seq

If a reference is available for your sample a reference based analysis strategy  will be adopted  in which reads are mapped back to a reference  genome.  As per the requirement, we can go for ribo zero prep or Poly A selection, stand specific or non strand specific as per the project designed.


Whole metatranscriptome Seq

Whole metagenomics provides us the  knowledge of functional potential of the sampled microbial community, it does not provide information about which of these functions are expressed at what circumstances.


Medip seq

Methylated DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (MeDIP-Seq) or DNA immunoprecipitation sequencing (DIP-Seq) is commonly used to study 5mC or 5hmC modification. Specific antibodies can be used to study cytosine modifications. If using 5mC-specific antibodies, methylated DNA is isolated from genomic DNA via immunoprecipitation.


HIC /5C Seq

HiC is an unbiased, high throughput method to detect chromatin-looping interactions between all loci in the genome. HiC experiments have shown that genome structure and function are linked. HiC libraries are created using proximity ligation. High-resolution mapping of spatial chromatin structure was made possible by the development of the chromosome conformation capture (3C) technique.


Custom assay development- Target capture- probe based

Targeted capture based custom assay development  is a fully customizable, probe-based assay for targeted resequencing. The assay enables you to focus interrogation on key regions of genomic interest. Enormous number of  target areas can be captured with designed probes and can be sequenced in a single reaction using a simple workflow. This highly targeted approach offers unparalleled efficiency for discovering, validating, and screening genetic variants in areas of research focus.


Ribosome profiling by Seq

Ribosome profiling is a method based on deep sequencing of ribosome-protected mRNA fragments. Purification and sequencing of these fragments provides a "snapshot" of all the ribosomes active in a cell at a specific time point. This information can determine what proteins are being actively translated in a cell. Ribosome profiling enables systematic monitoring of cellular translation processes and prediction of protein abundance.


Small RNA Seq

Our small RNA discovery and analysis service allows the discovery of rare small RNA without previous sequence or secondary structure information in any organism. With this service we can find novel small RNA like micro RNA , Piwi RNA and analyse the differential expression of all small RNAs in your sample simultaneously.


Whole genome Bisulphite Seq

Methylation of DNA at cytosine nucleotides forms 5-methylcytosine (5mC), which impacts various cellular processes involving gene expression and chromatin remodeling. These processes can in influence health and development through methylation of promoter regions, cell differentiation, remodeling of chromatin for selective X-chromosome inactivation, and suppression of transposable elements.


​Chip Seq

By combining chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays with sequencing, ChIP sequencing (ChIP-Seq) is a powerful method for identifying genome-wide DNA binding sites for transcription factors and other proteins. The application of next-generation sequencing (NGS) to ChIP has revealed insights into gene regulation events that play a role in various diseases and biological pathways, such as development and cancer progression. ChIP-Seq enables thorough examination of the interactions between proteins and nucleic acids on a genome-wide scale. We can help you in designing your experiment, execute it and interpret for you.


Exome seq

Most widely used targeted sequencing method is exome sequencing. The exome (the protein-coding region of the human genome) represents less than 2% of the genome, but contains ~85% of known disease-related variants, making whole-exome sequencing a cost-effective alternative to whole-genome sequencing. Exome sequencing can efficiently identify coding variants across a wide range of applications, including population genetics, genetic disease, and cancer studies.

NGS based projects( Reference based)- Less than 35 working days

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